6th Grade - Percents


  • The percent or percentage is a number, ratio, or fraction with 100 as a denominator.
  • The percent means hundredths or per 100.
  • A % sign denotes the percent.
  • 5% means 5 out of 100.
  • If you got 80% in math, you got 80 out of 100 questions correct.

Changing decimals to percents

  • To change the decimal number to the percent, multiply the number by 100 or move the decimal point two places to the right and add a % sign.

Changing percents to decimals

  • Remove the "%" sign and divide the number by 100 or move the decimal point to two places to the left.
  • If there is no decimal, assume the decimal at the end of the number. 
  • There might be a need to add a zero(s) to the front of the number for the decimal to be moved to the left.

Changing fractions to percents

  • To convert a fraction to a percent, first convert the fraction to a decimal, then convert the decimal to a percent.

Changing percents to fractions

  • To change percents to fractions, trade the % sign for hundredths and simplify the fraction, if possible.

Percent of a number

The following two methods can be used to determine the percent of a number:

1. Decimal Method

 25% of 40

Remove the % sign and move the decimal two places to the left.

=  0.25 X 40

= 10

2. Fraction Method

Remove the % sign and divide the number by 100.


= 10


1) Change 0.65 to percent.

Move the decimal to two places to the right and add the % sign.


2) Change 7.5 to percent.

Move the decimal to two places to the right and add the % sign.


3) Change 13.11 to percent.

Move the decimal to two places to the right and add the % sign.


4) Change 34% to a decimal number.

Since there is no decimal point, assume the decimal point at the end and move the decimal point two places to the left.


5) Change 125% to a decimal number.


6) Change 6% to a decimal number.

Since there is no decimal point, assume the decimal point at the end and move the decimal point two places to the left.


7) Convert 34 to percent.


Change the decimal to percent by moving the decimal point two places to the right.

0.75 = 75%

8) Convert 114 to percent.


Change the decimal to percent by moving the decimal point two places to the right.

1.25 = 125%

9) Convert 80% to the fraction.


10) Convert 75% to the fraction.

75%= 75100=34

11) What is 15% of 40?

a) Decimal method

Remove the % sign and move the decimal to two places left.

15% × 40

=0.15 × 40

= 6

b) Fraction method

Remove the % sign and divide the number by 100.

15% of 40



= 6

12. What is 250% of 50?

a) Decimal Method

250% of 50

Remove the % sign and move the decimal to two places left.

= 2.5×50

= 125

b) Fraction Method

250% of 50

Remove the % sign and divide the number by 100.


= 125

Cheat Sheet

  • The word "of" means multiply.

Blunder Area

  • Pay close attention to the type of problem.