7th Grade - Application of Percentage


  • Percentages have many real-life applications.
  • Discounts and percent increases in price are usually expressed in percentages.
  • From your laptop or phone's battery and school test scores to your home or personal loan interest, the use of percent is widespread.

What Percent One Number is of Another

  • To find what percent one number is of another, divide the number before "is" by the number after "of".

Finding the Base

  • To solve a question like 30 is 60% of what number? First, divide the number by the percent number and then convert the percent number to decimal.

Percent Increase and Decrease

  • To find the % increase or decrease, divide the change by the initial/starting value.
  • Percent increase or decrease = ChangeStarting/initial value
  • Change = old value - new value


1) 30 is 60% of what number?

= 3060%

Remove the % sign and move the decimal two places to the left.



= 50


2) 25 is 40% of what number?


Remove the % sign and move the decimal two places to the left.



= 62.5


3) 40 is 120% of what number?

= 40120%

Remove the % sign and move the decimal two places to the left.



= 33.33

4) 30 is what percent of 50?



0.6 = 60% (Move the decimal point two places to the right to convert the decimal to a percent.)


5) 20 is what percent of 25?



0.8 = 80%  (Move the decimal point two places to the right to convert the decimal to a percent.)


6) 50 is what percent of 100?


12 =0.5

0.5=50%  (Move the decimal point two places to the right to convert the decimal to a percent.)


7) An airline ticket on sale was $400. The original price of the ticket was $ 500. Find the discount.

  • Hint: This is a problem of a percent decrease.

Change = new value - old value

Change = 400 - 500

Change =- 100

Percent change = change in valueinitial value

Percent change =-100500

Percent change = -15

Percent change = -0.2

(move the decimal two places to the right and add the % sign)

Percent change = -20%

8)  Movie ticket prices increased from $8 to $10 per ticket. What is the percent change?

  • Hint: This is a problem of a percent decrease.

Change in value = new value - old value

Change in value = 10-8

Change = 2

Percent change = change in valueInitial value

Percent change = 28

Percent Change = 14

Percent Change = 0.25

(move the decimal two places to the right and add the % sign)

Percent change = 25%

Cheat Sheet

  • The change in percent change can be an increase or decrease.
  • Percent Change = ChangeStarting/Original amount

Blunder Areas

  • Pay close attention to what is being asked. Then, read the information provided twice before deciding what rules to apply.
  • Students often get the percent increase or decreased answer wrong.